What can Jamie say? He’s the hyneman that lots of different types of lady fall for. – Matty Malaprop That TOTALLY looks like something! Submitted
Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: mind = blown , mind blown , phone , pocket watch , smartphone , wrist watch Share on Facebook via Failbook
Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: denny’s , honk if you love jesus , jesus , matt Share on Facebook via Failbook http://cheezburger.com/6652668160?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Failbooking+%28Failbook%29
Social Media at its best and worst on Failbook! Submitted by: rckyfrk Tagged: coconuts , facebook , mother , swearing Share on Facebook via Parenting
Say what you will, but I still maintain the best ever pickup line is “Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?” – Matty Malaprop
Q: Why do computer programmers tend to be insomniacs? A: They typically consume far too much java every day. – Matty Malaprop Submitted by: Unknown
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It’s apple season and there are more than fifteen varieties of apples to choose from for your eating, cooking, drinking, and craft needs. What’s the
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