Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: baby , category:Image , category:voting-page , im sorry , i’m sorry , tired Share on Facebook via Parenting Fails
6AM flight tomorrow. I’ll get to the airport while they are still baking the fresh airplanes. via scottsimpson (
The new iPhone, while larger, is still not quite large enough to fill the hole in my soul. Excellent news for Hostess Brands. via badbanana
if i could eat dinner with anyone living or dead i’d pick all dead because hahaha more food for me via sbellelauren (
buy this print Or share on: facebook reddit via A Softer World
Listen, I’mma be honest here; if having a moral opposition to long-distance running is wrong, then I never ever want to be right. – Matty
Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: category:voting-page , chinese , following instructions , homework , test humor Share on Facebook via FAIL Blog
Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: group projects , homework , pimp , school Share on Facebook via Failbook
Submitted by: Unknown Tagged: beer , beer cozy , category:Image , prescription , refill Share on Facebook via FAIL Blog
Ice packs are a great way to keep your lunch cool, but they’re a bit expensive if you’re in the habit of losing them. Over