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from Consumerist.

It’s no secret that we’re fans of fanning the flames of humor around these parts, especially when it comes to getting down to the nitty gritty of what companies are really about. Which is why we were tickled to see the work of Clif Dickens, which, much like our friend Lisa Hanawalt, cuts right to the heart of what companies should really be saying with their slogans.

Dickens displays his alternate slogans on his Tumbler Honest Slogans, where he’s got page upon page of giggle-worthy graphics.

He was kind enough to share a few of his favorites (scroll down) and we added a few that elicited snorts, titters and bubbles of glee from us.

“I like ones that are clever enough for people that know the product to get, yet may in fact be lost on others that don’t know the product or brand,” Dickens tells Consumerist.

1. Pepsi (see above): One of Dickens’ favorites, he says: “I always found it hilarious when I would go to a restaurant, ask for a Coke, and the waitress/waiter would say, ‘Is Pepsi okay?’ It seemed to me that Coca-Cola was (and always will be) the more-favored soft drink.

2. Capri Sun: Another Dickens favorite — “I can almost guarantee that everybody that has had a Capri Sun has accidentally poked a hole through the entire pouch at least once in their lives.”

3. Hot Pockets: We’ve all been there, right? Another of the artist’s favorites.

4. Ticketmaster: Uh-huh, that sounds about right.

5. Best Buy: Showrooming, anyone?

6. Yellow Pages: It’s so true. SO TRUE.

7. Cap’n Crunch: Whether he’s a captain or not, this is a common experience.

8. Adobe: I swear, this is the only thing Adobe has ever said to me.

9. Kmart: As Dickens says, this one might seem harsh, “But I bet even THEY are surprised they are still around!”

10. Nyquil: Sweet, sweet oblivion.

11. Fedex: Yup.

Want more? Check out and keep your eyes peeled for new additions — Dickens says he doesn’t plan to stop any time soon.

*Thanks to Steve for the tip!
