I’m not usually a fan of furniture that converts from one thing into another, because it’s usually better to just use the two different things

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext:10 points to anyone who tries this. Today’s News: Red Button mashing provided by SMBC RSS Plus.
As Bruce Sterling says, “Impressive accuracy by whoever that is.” Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash Source: Here are the unambiguous rules for what to do in this
Source: Comic for 2020.03.18
Source: Comic for 2020.03.17

Source: Coronavirus Research

Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext:I was told I’m not allowed to do this by certain household authority figures. Today’s News: Red

Source: Scientific Briefing
The Dresden Panometer is a converted former gasometer that exhibits 360° panoramas created by the artist Yadegar Asisi. “The 15 m high visitor’s tower provides
CRISPR-Cas9 is the cutting-edge genomic technology that essentially lets you target exact sequences in DNA and then cut into them like a knife and insert