. It’s time for my annual tip about taking a family holiday photo. Think of the possibilities here! Source: Holiday photo advice
. Hovertext: I mean, technically we’re only using the top half of the adjunct. Why do we have to pay for the whole thing? New
. Hovertext: Okay, quick, let’s switch them all to kale so we can claim they’re grass-fed. New comic!Today’s News: Red Button mashing provided by SMBC
. Hovertext: Nah, I’m kidding. You’ll mostly be filling out grant applications. New comic!Today’s News: Red Button mashing provided by SMBC RSS Plus. If you
. If you’re hoping to get a well priced gift for the centaur in your life, look no further than these fake black friday deals
. Hovertext: I’m suddenly wondering if I should’ve cut this one off after panel 4. New comic!Today’s News: Red Button mashing provided by SMBC RSS