Source: Comic for 2020.02.09
Most Western music is based on a twelve-tone octave with the smallest interval being a half step (or half tone, or “semitone”) up or down.
French video artist Thomas Blanchard created “Mini Planets” by mixing paint, oil, inks, and soap to stunning effect. It reminds me of the psychedelic alternate
Still seething from the impeachment trial (and if it wasn’t that, it would be something else), Trump had a hard time containing himself the following
via Diesel Train Stunts – YouTube
via Someone Asks Introverts To Share What Questions Annoy Them The Most, They Respond With 30 Tweets | Bored Panda
Source: Comic for 2020.02.07

The post The Flight appeared first on The Perry Bible Fellowship. Source: The Flight
via If You Have Questions About Teens, They’re Answering Them for You on Reddit