New packaging for Oreos cookies disguises the delicious junk food as healthy veggies and other unappetizing things such as Hanes t-shirts, Ford automobile manuals and
When artificial intelligence rises up to take over Earth, it will be because of browser extensions like Lay’s Crispy Subtitles. The new AI-powered Chrome extension
Jack and Diane but all of the lyrics are “suckin’ on a chili dog” — Tom McGovern (@tommcgovern27) February 12, 2021 Image: Andrea Sartorati
Huey Lewis and Metallica share the same level of ‘hard-core.’ Source: Mashup: James Hetfield and the News – “Hip to Be the Sandman”
Since 2007, artist Walead Beshty has been cleverly using FedEx’s shipping infrastructure to create a series of artworks. He constructs glass objects that fit exactly
Hated Canadian cartoon boy Caillou is reportedly being cancelled by PBS. PBS Kids announced on social media Tuesday that the much-maligned animated series, which has
The Swiss cheese model of accident causation is a framework for thinking about how to layer security measures to minimize risk and prevent failure. The
We started online school last week, and this was Claire’s initial reaction: And next, here’s some of what went on during the week. I have
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext:That’s just professor hair, not an affectation. Today’s News: Red Button mashing provided by SMBC RSS Plus.
Source: Dependency