It's so cold out I just saw a guy from Wisconsin put a pair of thermals on under his shorts. — Nic Cage Match (@NicCageMatch)
Before you get married, ask yourself: is this the person I want to spend the rest of my life in jail for stabbing? — Trevor
5 yr old "We get periods, what happens to a penis? What do guys get in their penis?" Me "Nothing." 5 yr old. "OH MAN! OH MAAAAAAAAAN!"
Babies are just tiny milk vampires. — Nic Cage Match (@NicCageMatch) December 11, 2013 via
I'd like to think that when pedophiles hang out one of them always asks to see the kids menu and they all have a good
Any car can be used as a glider and then a submarine for a few beautiful seconds if you just stay positive in a tough
Overheard at Whole Foods TINY GIRL: Mommy, what's a vegetawian? MOM: They don't eat things with eyes. TINY GIRL: What about batatos? MOM: Um — o holy peach (@PeachCoffin)