Sometimes, after a long day, all you have to do is look into the face of a child to realize you brought the wrong one
I brought a sharpener to the knife fight and made a fucking fortune — Paige (@PeachCoffin) April 18, 2014 via
Just asked my niece to pick a movie and she yelled, "Disney's Frozen!" and I was like, "No honey, that's just a rumor, he was
When someone tells u to "get a life" they're saying "create a life." Which means they want to have sex & a baby w/ u.
Sorry I didn't text you back I was worried you'd text me again and then we'd be stuck in a conversation — Dan Duvall (@lazerdoov)
3 weeks ago I changed my ringtone to the ice cream truck song. As soon as someone calls me, my kids are gonna go nuts.
Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey is an unfortunate bra size. — Elizabeth Hackett (@LizHackett) April 14, 2014 via